Battery Storage Systems

Battery Storage Systems

ATD Battery Energy Storage Systems

About Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS). Myriad new battery technologies are exponentially evolving and too complex to elaborate on here. Given that scalable, self-managed battery energy storage systems form a key component of the energy mix, the capability to charge, store and discharge energy rapidly when needed is vitally important.  

Rising energy supply costs have a diverse impact on customer energy needs and practical business sustainability. Agriculture and dairy farms for example, would start with a Qualified Energy Audit across each operating zone  to assess opportunities and initiatives to improve consumption, technical and operating efficiency for the business. Time of use and the level of energy storage is determined along with critical factors such as renewable energy production and back-up needs in the event of prolonged inclement weather and outages. 

Based on Energy Survey Results, ATD Energy will then design an appropriate scalable Battery Energy Storage System. Batteries are evaluated for their capacity, durability, speed of charge, depth of discharge (DoD), power ratings, round-trip efficiency, reliability, warranty, and of course, cycle lifespan.

Scalable Battery Storage Systems for our recommended installations, incorporate environmentally friendly, high and low-voltage technologies.

Battery Systems - 2023

Our Supercapacitors with rapid charge and discharge, provide over 30+ years of energy storage, 1,000,000 charging cycles, and 100% useable capacity without compromising their efficacy and capacity over their entire life. They operate in temperatures between -40 to 65C with no risk of thermal runaway.

Our LiFePO4 uses next-generation Lithium Iron-Phosphate Cells with a cycle life of over 4 times that of Lithium-ion polymer batteries. Multiple micro-controllers in the module management system monitor the cell state and voltage balancing among the cells. LiFePO4 doesn’t use cobalt so there are no thermal runaway (fire) concerns or need for extra ventilation or cooling. These are ideal for stationary energy storage, daily cycling, optimization and grid services. 

Our Hybrid Lithium, high-density batteries are small, light, maintenance-free, and remotely supervised. Their recyclable materials and extraordinarily long life, make them ideal for small, large, or utility-scale applications. A variety of sizes, mechanical formats, chemistries, and form factors fit most enclosures. Intelligent features such as individual battery management from remote sites, and anti-theft features will disable the battery for use if removed from the system.

We constantly monitor revolutionary technology and scientific development in this area for the latest applications to improve capacity, power, round-trip efficiency, and product lifespan. There is always a delicate balance of historic track record versus breakthrough advances in renewable energy systems, so our warranties are backed by top-tier manufacturers.

Supercapacitor battery modules store enormous amounts of instant energy for wide commercial and industrial applications.

SPAR Altus 500 Supercapacitor ESS

The latest Supercapacitor fast charge technology – 100% DoD, 99% efficiency over 30+ year lifetime.

Lithium Phosphate (LFE) batteries have a high energy density, long life, fast charge, and sustained delivery.

SPAR Altus 350 LiFePO4 Battery

This Battery uses Lithium-Iron Phosphate storage instead of chemical cells for safety and efficiency.

NMC batteries such as this can store an enormous 12.9kW of power inexpensively in one module.

Commercial & Industrial Hi-Density Battery

This range offers massive energy storage capacity, superior, reliable performance, in modular sizes.

Supercapacitor battery racks can store an enormous amount of instant energy for wide commercial and industrial applications.

SPAR Altus 500 Supercapacitor Rack

The latest supercapacitor technology with system design for advanced commercial applications. 

Supercapacitor battery racks can store an enormous amount of instant energy for wide commercial and industrial applications.

SPAR Altus 350 LiFePO4 Rack

A high density storage system ideally suited for big off-grid and micro-grid systems.

NMC battery racks can store an enormous amount of power for residential and wide commercial applications.

Hi-Density Modular Capacity Rack

A high density power system ideally suited for big off-grid and micro-grid systems.

Pylontech Phantom-S Battery Storage System.

Pylontech Phantom-S Battery

The latest HESS long-life battery system with the highest energy and power density in the industry.

Pylontech US2000 Battery Storage System.

Pylontech US2000 Battery

This US2000 series is an ideal solution for residential battery storage applications.

Pylontech US3000 Battery Storage System.

Pylontech US3000 Battery

This US3000 is the latest HESS battery system providing easy installation and expansion.

Pylontech Powercube-X Battery Storage System.

Pylontech Powercube-X Batteries

The latest high voltage LFP battery system with advanced design for commercial applications. 

Pylontech Powercube-M1 Battery Storage System

Pylontech Powercube-M1 Batteries

A high density 736V 148AH storage system ideally suited for big off-grid and micro-grid systems.

Pylontech Powercube-M1 Battery Storage System

Pylontech Powercube-M2 Batteries

A high density 729V 240AH power system ideally suited for big off-grid and micro-grid systems.

Pylontech Powercube-H1 Battery Storage System.

Pylontech Powercube-H1 Batteries

A high density 720V 50AH storage system ideally suited for big off-grid and micro-grid systems.

Pylontech Powercube-H1 Battery Storage System.

Pylontech Powercube-H2 Batteries

A modular 576V 74AH battery stack for single and 3-phase high voltage home or office systems. 

NMC Battery Stacks with each module providing a high energy capacity of over 12kWh.

Commercial / Industrial Storage Stack

Fully configured 205Ah Energy Storage modules, as 17 units with a nominal voltage of 869VDC 

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