Our Renewable Energy Product Range
Products That Harness The Power
We integrate a renewables range to embrace quality, cost, performance and reliability in an era of rapid technical change.
Wind Turbines.
About Wind Turbine Power Generators. High-end small-scale turbines are fast becoming a necessary addition to renewable energy systems – whether rural, commercial, industry or institutions. Turbines supplement solar energy limitations of quality sunshine hours and seasonal climates. Connected to battery storage devices they provide a 24-hour energy resource.

VAWT Wind Turbine Siting
Topological conditions, forestation, tree-line wind-breaks and height-and-site distance from the wind turbine to the energy storage and distribution plant, are all important factors to power efficiency. An historic annualized Wind Atlas for each area offers a good guide to potential for energy output.

Topological Evaluation
Geographic location, undulating hills, distance from, and height of tree boundaries, annual prevailing winds, air density and average wind speeds affect energy production. Turbine siting distance from the collection point also impacts the percent of voltage drop.
Wind Generators Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT)
Our Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT), generate electricity as energy derived from the wind. Designed, manufactured and selected to meet a variety of harsh and variable Australian conditions, aerofoil blades, size and scale of the swept area, are important considerations for each specific site. Elevated to optimise height and laminar wind flow, their permanent magnetic generator technology requires low start-up torque, or a light gentle breeze to drive them and generate power. We currently provide these as 10kWh systems to suit rural, industrial and commercial sites.
VAWT Wind Turbines
VAWT design is undergoing a renaissance in pursuit of performance, design style and optimization of power output in low wind conditions and complex environments.
VAWT Hybrid Wind Turbines For Lighting
Hybrid Lighting Systems utilize Turbines, PV Panels and Battery Storage for environmental applications. There are myriad variations in turbine size, style and configurations for public and security surveillance applications as well.
Battery Storage Systems.
About Battery Storage Systems. As new battery technology continues to enter our renewables market, prices fall as their lifespan increases. What is now critically important is the capacity to store energy as it is generated, for later use. The alarming pace of climate change means batteries are now a key energy component for power beyond sunshine. We test our batteries for their capacity, durability, depth of discharge (DoD), power ratings, round-trip efficiency, warranty and of course, reliability.
Battery Storage Systems and Stacks
Our Battery Systems utilise the latest technology and are designed to be stackable – which means you can have multiple units added to your system when you choose. We constantly monitor revolutionary technology and scientific development in this area for the latest applications to improve capacity, power, round-trip efficiency and product lifespan. There is a delicate balance of historic track record versus break-through advances in renewable energy systems, given the shift in focus to sustainability.
Our warranties are backed by top-tier manufacturers, so lifespan, reliability and performance are key factors that we scrutinise very carefully.

SPAR Altus 500 Supercapacitor Battery
The latest Supercapacitor fast charge technology – 100% DoD, 99% efficiency over 30+ year lifetime.

SPAR Altus 350 LiFePO4 Battery
This Battery uses Lithium-Iron Phosphate storage instead of chemical cells for safety and efficiency.

Commercial & Industrial Hi-Density Battery
This range offers massive energy storage capacity, superior, reliable performance, in modular sizes.
Pylontech Phantom-S Battery
The latest HESS long-life battery system with the highest energy and power density in the industry.
Pylontech US2000 Battery
This US2000 series is an ideal solution for residential battery storage applications.
Pylontech US3000 Battery
This US3000 is the latest HESS battery system providing easy installation and expansion.

SPAR Altus 500 Supercapacitor Rack
The latest supercapacitor technology with system design for advanced commercial applications.

SPAR Altus 350 LiFePO4 Rack
A high density storage system ideally suited for big off-grid and micro-grid systems.

Hi-Density Modular Capacity Rack
A high density power system ideally suited for big off-grid and micro-grid systems.
Pylontech Powercube - X
The latest high voltage LFP battery system with advanced design for commercial applications.
Pylontech Powercube - M1
A high density 736V 148AH storage system ideally suited for big off-grid and micro-grid systems.
Pylontech Powercube - M2
A high density 729V 240AH power system ideally suited for big off-grid and micro-grid systems.
Pylontech Powercube - H1
A high density 720V 50AH storage system ideally suited for big off-grid and micro-grid systems.
Pylontech Powercube - H2
A modular 576V 74AH battery stack for single and 3-phase high voltage home or office systems.
Commercial / Industrial Storage Stack
Fully configured 205Ah Energy Storage modules as 17 units with a nominal voltage of 869VDC
Utility-Scale Battery Energy Storage Systems
Our Super Capacitor Energy Storage Sytems DO NOT have thermal runaway issues as Lithium-ion Batteries do. Therefore the Supercap containers can be doubly stacked and in close adjacent proximity, to minimize the overall footprint of the installation site. With no fire hazard risk, they can be installed alongside buildings and other infrastructure.
Cost benefits of these Super Capacitor Energy Storage Systems (SCESS) are realized due to the fact that most available ESS in the market require that their charge does not drop to less than 20% of their total capacity. This means that 20% of the ESS is essentially a sunk cost or dead money. Our Supercapacitors do not have this requirement, and therefore provide users with 100% usable power from this SCESS, with no degradation over its entire expected life of 30+ years and 1,000,000+ charge cycles.
Super Capacitor Utility-Scale Storage
Zero thermal runaway enables close proximity and multiple stacking for a smaller site footprint.
Altus 500 Supercapacitor Battery Rack
The latest Supercapacitor fast charge technology – 100% DoD, 99% efficiency over 30+ year lifetime.
Altus 500 Supercapacitor 40-foot Container
Fully configured 205Ah Energy Storage modules as 17 units with a nominal voltage of 869VDC
Hybrid Inverters.
About Hybrid Solar Inverters. The main function of these hybrid inverters is to realize and manage bidirectional energy transmission between AC grid energy, DC input and the energy of the battery storage system. As bidirectional converters, they can be adapted to various DC energy sources and storage units, as well as accept scheduling instructions.
Intelligent new multi-mode inverters or hybrids, future-proof your renewable energy system. These new generation inverters capably manage mixed energy input from solar PV panels, wind turbines, batteries and the grid. With their AC and DC conversion coupling they also manage power supply to and drawing from battery storage systems and the grid.
Our Hybrid Inverters
Our Hybrid Inverters operate in many system configurations from residential to industrial installations. They integrate with PV panels, wind turbines, battery storage systems and control monitoring, to remotely manage your power efficiency.
Sermatec 5kW Hybrid Inverter
This new inverter series is designed especially for the growing energy storage market.
Sermatec 10kW Hybrid Inverter
See this new inverter series that supports two different application scenarios.
GoodWe GW3600S-BP Inverter
This AC-coupled battery storage retrofit solution is applicable to both single and 3-phase systems.
GoodWe GW5000S-BP Inverter
This AC-coupled battery storage retrofit solution is applicable to both single and 3-phase systems.
PV Turbine Hybrid Environmental Lighting.
About Hybrid Solar Wind Turbine Lighting Systems. You may have heard about this relatively new idea called HSL or Hybrid Solar Lighting. These have their pros and cons as with any other purely solar-related system.
ATD Energy has gone two acronyms further to introduce the technically advanced HSWTL systems – Hybrid Solar and Wind Turbine Lighting. These systems generate power throughout an entire 24-hour period of gentle breeze.
Solar and Wind Turbine Lighting Systems
Each HSWTL light coupled with battery storage in each device, stores energy derived from sunshine and wind generators. They are independent of the grid, require no expansive trenching or cable inter-connection and can operate as sensor-controlled devices up to 15-days without further charging. Remote program monitoring also allows for additional CCTV surveillance. There’s also a USB charging station lower down that gives us a uniquely new acronym – HSWTLCCTVUSB – though probably best to stick with the term ‘Outdoor Lighting’.
Carriageways | Carparks | Recreation | Environmental Safety Lighting
Applications of these hybrid solar and wind turbine lighting systems are enormous – especially around bayside areas. They increase public safety, security, are quick and simple to install, and minimise disruption in the process. The high cost of trenching and connection to the grid is completely eliminated.
They operate via remote programming with multiple configurations for safety, monitoring, motion-detection and operating duration.
Their high efficiency output is achieved through a permanent magnetic generator with long-life bearings ensuring no mechanical noise. An auto safety brake system is also incorporated in the unit.
This is simply smart lighting for all outdoor requirements, requiring no access to mains power.
Hybrid Lighting Systems
Remote programming. Multiple monitoring, motion-detection and operating duration.
Playground Lighting & Remote Security
Smart Lighting and remote security for recreation environments. Requires no mains power.
Hybrid Lighting Configurations
Stand-alone lighting, remote surveillance, turbine, solar panels, LED light arrays and battery storage.
PhotoVoltaic PV Solar Panels.
About PV Solar Panels. Currently the PV solar panel market supports many manufacturers of varying quality. Installation decisions can be based on price, reliability, highest efficiency performance, service, length of warranties and even the lowest level of degradation over the life of the panels. You may have already made your choice.
An average measure of solar energy expectation can be gauged for sunlight hours. Our VPP system is designed to increase your energy harvest and storage and reduce costly dependence on the grid. We do this through installing wind turbines, battery storage and hybrid inverters to manage and control your integrated system.
PhotoVoltaic PV Solar Panels
There is an abundance of solar panel companies throughout Australia. ATD Energy selectively works with only the best specialists and contractors, relative to your needs and location, as solar may not be a major equation in our VPP solutions.

PV Panels With Micro-Inverters
Micro-inverters on each panel of the array, enables independent monitoring and energy harvesting optimization across the system.

String And Central Inverter Systems
A string inverter is the type most commonly used in home and commercial solar power systems. Central inverters are often used in large photovoltaic systems.
PV Solar Panel Control
New high-efficient panels provide greater control over optimizing power performance harvested from each panel to enable the maximum yield from your system.
Integrated PV Solar system control enables advanced panel monitoring. Systems maximize low-light array performance, keep track of energy production and troubleshoot system faults that may reduce your power yield. The latest cell technology lowers light-induced degradation (LID) and electrical resistance, to increase panel efficiency and generate more power per panel.
Control Systems Local Remote and Cloud-Based.
About Remote Control Systems. Your residential or commercial virtual power plant system can be locally programmed and monitored to optimize peak power performance. This provides data collection and analysis, troubleshooting, power allocation to IOT devices, battery storage systems or sending excess power to the grid for payment of Feed In Tariffs (FITs) where applicable.
Depending on your type of PV solar panel installation, they can be assessed for shadowing, blockage and rectification to ensure sustainable yields.
Beneficial use and applications of these systems is largely dependent on the scale of your installation and your control management capability. Therefore, current industry focus is centred around commercial applications where dedicated personnel have the skills to manage the daily operation and intervene as necessary.
Local Remote Control Systems
The future of Local Remote and Cloud-based Systems will enable management of your VPP installation from any location to ensure your system is operating at its maximum capacity. Renewable Energy management companies can measure energy output for daily requirements and purchase excess power generated from VPP owners to trade in the energy market.
Remote monitoring will provide:
- Data collection
- Performance analysis
- Troubleshooting
- Energy allocation
- Yield optimization
- Remote debugging
Cloud-based Monitoring Systems
Cloud-based monitoring has the added benefits of external energy resource management, optimisation, fault detection and maintenance. System Operators can remotely monitor and optimize array performance and redirect energy to system devices as required. They’ll protect against faults, system malfunctions and low energy yields. Or guard against the impact of shading and obstructions. And you will have access to technical assistance and remote support.
Cloud-based control systems are being evaluated by ATD Energy to ensure maximum commercial security, network compliance and Australian Government Regulatory Authority requirements.

Local and Remote Monitoring
The interface for local monitoring will vary according to the brand of inverters used.
Remote Monitoring Pros and Cons
Remote control system maintenance is no simple task and like all evolving technologies, there’s no exact science.
Consider human intervention – limited apps experience, cabling, disconnections, modem adjustments, wifi blockages, internet and NBN dropouts, firmware updates, re-setting configurations, systems integration, myriad component communications between devices.
ATD Energy is working with technologists to resolve and simplify this process for you.